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How to Pronounce fanzine?

Correct pronunciation for the word "fanzine" is [fˈanziːn], [fˈanziːn], [f_ˈa_n_z_iː_n].

What are the misspellings for fanzine?

What is the adjective for fanzine?

The adjective form of the word "fanzine" is "fanzine". The term is used as both a noun and an adjective to describe a self-published or non-professional magazine created by fans for fans, typically focusing on a particular subject or fandom.

Usage over time for fanzine:

This graph shows how "fanzine" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.

What is the plural form of fanzine?

The plural form of the word "fanzine" is "fanzines".

What is the singular form of fanzine?

The singular form of the word "fanzine" is "fanzine". The word itself is a blend of "fan" and "magazine" and is used to refer to a self-published or nonprofessional magazine or publication typically created by fans of a particular cultural interest or fandom. It is both singular and plural.

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