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How to Pronounce dormant?

Correct pronunciation for the word "dormant" is [dˈɔːmənt], [dˈɔːmənt], [d_ˈɔː_m_ə_n_t].

Definition of dormant

  1. A beam or sleeper tenoned into a girder, to support the ends of joists on both sides.
  2. Sleeping; at rest or not in action; in a sleeping posture; not used; leaning; the posture of an animal in a sleeping attitude, with the head resting on the fore paws. Dormant partner, a sleeping partner, a partner who takes no share in the active business of a partnership, but is entitled to a share of the profits, and subject to a share in losses.

Nuttall's Standard dictionary of the English language By Nuttall, P.Austin

What are similar-sounding words for dormant?

What is the adjective for dormant?

The adjective form of the word "dormant" is "dormant".

Usage over time for dormant:

This graph shows how "dormant" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.

What is the plural form of dormant?

The plural form of the word "dormant" does not change and remains as "dormant".

What is the singular form of dormant?

The singular form of the word "dormant" is "dormancy", which is a noun.

Synonyms for Dormant:


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