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How to Pronounce hampshire?

Correct pronunciation for the word "hampshire" is [hˈampʃə], [hˈampʃə], [h_ˈa_m_p_ʃ_ə].

What are the misspellings for hampshire?

What are similar-sounding words for hampshire?

What is the adjective for hampshire?

The adjective form of the word "Hampshire" is "Hampshire". In English grammar, some proper nouns (names of places, individuals, etc.) can also function as adjectives without any change in form. So, "Hampshire" can be used as an adjective to describe anything related to or originating from Hampshire, a county in England. For example, "Hampshire countryside," "Hampshire residents," or "Hampshire history".

Usage over time for hampshire:

This graph shows how "hampshire" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.

What is the plural form of hampshire?

The plural form of the word "Hampshire" is "Hampshires".

What is the singular form of hampshire?

The singular form of the word "Hampshire" remains the same, as it refers to a single county in England or the state in the United States.

Synonyms for Hampshire:


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